Thursday, May 1, 2008

all pau!

Ok, "pau" means done or complete in Hawaiian.

What's all pau? The patio of course. It is what I have been essentially obsessed with for the last 10 weeks or so. What a lot of work. Physically so taxing and once a person gets started on such a project, even with injury (yes) one cannot stop. I had no intention of dragging this along and into the 100 plus degree heat of the summer.
By the numbers:
8 loads of foundation gravel
3 loads of sand
2,457 pavers
10 yards of soil (I am being generous describing the clay around here as "soil")
one wheel barrow
2 shovels
1 large jar of motrin
uncountable number of hours my son Q was with his new babysitter Spongbob Squarepants so that he wouldn't "help" My apologies to all parents out there that think this is a great developmental experience for a toddler. It aint. And if you say it is, you're lying.
1 doctors appointment next week to find out what's wrong with my right (painting) hand.

I think you get the picture: Oyvey

In the meantime, what's happening in the world of art? (take lofty tone here...) The Napa Valley open studios, of course!
I was recently juried in, as here in the valley, it's a juried event. (say: ooooooh!)
The last two weekends of september, I'll be pretending that I have a studio in Napa, shared in a warehouse with about 10 other artists, but will be a terrific venue as it's centrally located, shared space and lots of parking. I'm a former city dweller, so that is always on my mind when it comes to making it easy for clients to visit.

So, I'm under the assumption that my hand will make a full recovery and I'll be painting happily from now till august, at which time 2 dozen or so highly sought after paintings will be drying and being prepared to make their debut into the world of Napa Valley art, by way of open studios.

With all that the above statement brings to mind in the way of sheer glamour, I am off to take the trash bins in from the curb.

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