ok, not first day. I've been painting since my eldest son, we'll call him Primo, was two. So that makes eight years.
But, since all of my best friends are now working during the morning hours and my youngest, we'll call him Terzo, is in preschool, I am painting or at least showing up in my studio, every day.
Yes, every day.
In the words of Chuck Close, an artist whom I admire very much, "just show up" I paraphrase, of course. But the point is, don't not work. Don't avoid art, making it, thinking about it, touching it. Just show up and things happen, the next thing happens.
If I don't paint, I clean up my studio. If I don't clean up the studio, I sketch, or cruise the internet for art opportunities, or look through my constantly expanding file of ideas. You get the picture.
So, first day since I started this blog. Been getting a lot of practice in the blog-shere of the web as I keep family and friends updated on my mother's leukemia, which by the way is fantastic as she is about 90 days post stem cell transplant and she's coming along nicely. I'm not going to sugar coat it and say that she's great! Kicking Leukemia's ass! No, she's not all that, but she's got the best attitude and is getting through this with grace.
Back to me: Now, when a painting is drying and I'm "showing up" (see speech above) I can show up by coming to this blog and writing down my thoughts about being an artist and all of the glamorous (ha) trappings that one can only imagine are involved in such a life.
I usually have 2 paintings going at once though, so all of this musing is really for not. One large commission (5x7 feet) is drying and "setting up" and I do actually have a small painting on the easel that I could easily get back to, but I decided today to just start this blog and write down all of the things in my pumpkin head.
From time to time I'll be posting images of work that I'm in the middle of or just finished, after all, this is a painting site and would be a whole lot of words otherwise.
Check out the links over there>>> some of my favorite sites