Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just a little slice of fabulous...

Yesterday I arrived at Maisonry and was able to hang five paintings, all in their first floor main room. It's where all the fabulous people enter, look around and can't believe that they've arrived somewhere so...fabulous. I can't help it, this gallery is a show stopper of fabulosity.
I took a few photos whilst I was there, but really must go back to get some higher quality shots. And, get this, the owner was on his way in, expected for a magazine shoot there. I couldn't get any luckier, me thinks. Hopefully, one of my paintings will land inside of the magazine...Always fun to see ones own work in print. (with the fabulous people, of course)

don't you think this painting of the birch trees is fantastic with this chair and that stone wall? Oh, and that weird feret print on the floor is no longer there, lest you lose sleep...


  1. Yes, lets hope others [ thick wallets ] will see these paintings and how well they work in this enviroment .
    Your lucky the cow foetus [ spelled correctly ? ]
    that rests upstairs in this gallery is not in proximity .

  2. Don't you like the fetus? I guess every artwork has it's admirer!
