Sunday, February 12, 2012

this week at the studio

(ok, really lame photo but I'm too lazy to look for a good one)

Much on my mind this week.

-beginning a commission painting: 6 feet wide by 3 feet high. Terrific dimensions for drama. When one begins with a dramatic shape (the nature of the size even begins this painting with some edge) the image already has every opportunity to make a great statement.
-researching various mustards: that is it's mustard season in Napa Valley where the vines are dormant and darkly quite and the mustard plants are in full bloom creating an artists dream: dramatic color : grey sky, black vine, neon yellow flowers.

The old timey lore says that during the building of the missions of California, the Padres planted mustard to create a bright marker along the way. Mission accomplished. (no pun intended!)

Also, last week: shipped out a variety of small paintings including this perennial favorite: little birds

(these little guys are popular and I never tire of their expressions)

-Both Primo and Terzo (those are my kids) were sick last week: one legitimate, the other somewhat imagined. (I'm trying to be kind) Bottom line: sure puts a kink in all my many plans of productivity! Oh well, we know what's always said about plans: life is what happens...

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