Thursday, June 10, 2010

this week at the studio

I'm noticing a definite trend in the paintings I've done this week. That's why we call it a series...
1. the composition moving toward the diagonal (I am drawn to the movement of this direction)
2. they look wind blown, all to the right. (it's been very windy here this week)
3. they all look a bit like my garden, at different times and from different vantage points

I like it in my garden. I'm content there because I'm enjoying what it's becoming and how far it's going to go. I think that to call something a yard is to conjure up a place to look at, all utilitarian and without much personality.
But true lovers of gardening are not yardworkers, they're gardeners. There is no work involved.

"secret place" 16x20 oil on canvas

1 comment:

  1. come on people ? why no comment's ?
    This women is working hard and shareing the
    progress with us .
    Finish each one Kate and don't stop painting !
