So we had a group meeting and L has given us assurances that we all have a safe studio home and all will not be lost.
Back to business at hand. Many things that I'm working on right now: a commissioned painting, participation of Gstudio at a Beringer Winery event in June, The Napa arts council open studio event. Everything is sounding far in advance but in fact, these are the things that for an artist, must be thought out and worked on early. Thoughts must turn to inspiration, inspiration must gel into idea, idea must find it's way to the canvas and paintings must dry. This takes a bit of time.
Here's a painting that I've been working on for a bit. Although I will sell it, it's just a little something I did for me.
Giancomo Puccini (maestro of "Madame Butterly, Tosca, Turandot to name but three.) I put myself in there so you could get a better sense of size. 5'x6'.
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